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Is Collagen a good option for joint pain relief ?

Writer's picture: Helga TonnaHelga Tonna

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Joints form the connections between bones, providing support and helping us to move, and you probably don’t realise how important they are until they hurt. Any damage to the joints from disease or injury can affect mobility and cause a lot of pain.


We are reliant on our joints our whole lives, and they take a lot of punishment especially the knees, and hips. The cartilage which cushions the joints gradually wears down with time.

Collagen also decreases naturally as part of the ageing process which is when issues with the joints may start to arise. Tissue damage from sports injuries, or wear and tear as we get older can lead to more chronic degenerative conditions of the joints and bones.

Joint pain is a very common problem, especially as we age and it can affect any part of the body from the feet to the shoulders. There can be several common reasons why our joints hurt ranging from injuries to arthritis. Inflammation inside the joints can cause pain, if cartilage is badly worn the bone underneath may also begin to wear and change shape which can be very painful.

Many different conditions can lead to painful joints including different types of arthritis, gout, strains, sprains, and injuries. Joint pain can be acute or chronic, can affect your quality of life, and may need to be managed with medication, physical therapy or alternatives. If you are at all concerned about joint pain, then seek help and advice from a medical professional.

Tips and tricks to ease your joint pain Low impact exercise:

Exercise in a way that won’t further irritate the joints, try swimming, walking, or gentle yoga which can improve pain and mobility.

Avoid any activities that cause you pain.

Don’t sit for long periods, staying sedentary can worsen pain. Get up from your desk regularly and move about or stretch.

Experiment with heat/ice. Heat can open up the blood vessels promoting blood flow, while cold therapy can constrict them reducing inflammation and providing joint pain relief.

Research indicates supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin may help with joint pain and improve function. You can naturally find these compounds in bone broth.

Turmeric is highly researched for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger, and Boswellia are also great anti-inflammatory herbs for pain management. Find them all in our Active blend.

Collagen has an anti-inflammatory amino acid profile and is essential for stability and regeneration of cartilage.

Try a topical rub including magnesium, CBD, or capsicum which can help to ease pain.

Eat more whole foods with anti-inflammatory properties like fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 rich fish, nuts and seeds. Avoid refined sugars, and omega-6 rich vegetable oils which can worsen inflammation.

80% of our cartilage is water which cushions the joints, dehydration can worsen joint pain, so remember to stay hydrated for joint pain relief.

Looking after your joints in the long term.

Prevention is the best medicine. Support and protect your joints early on to prevent against problems later in life. We use our joints in every movement we make so we need to take care of them throughout the life cycle and not just when we have pain.

Take notice of any pain you feel or experience, and take particular care as soon as you notice your joints are painful. Use your body in ways that reduce pain and strain which will help you continue with your daily activities.

Support and strengthen the muscles that support your joints, and protect them from strain. Keep an ideal body weight to reduce pressure on joints and try and to keep as fit as possible to build up muscles and strength.

Regularly include joint supporting foods, herbs, and supplements in your daily diet. Add ginger and turmeric to your foods, and take collagen/bone broth post workout to support the recovery of your joints.

Our connective tissues are made from collagen and it is a key component for structural support. It is a great addition for preventative action, though it can also be useful for joint pain relief in combination with other targeted nutrients and herbs like in our Active blend.

Collagen can support joint health, helping with pain management, stiffness, and mobility due to the anti-inflammatory nature of its amino acids including glycine and proline which are essential for the stability and regeneration of cartilage. It provides support for the growth and repair of cartilage tissues, and research suggests the amino acids stimulate synthesis of collagen in cartilage and the extracellular matrix of other tissues making it an essential choice for healthy joints.

Article shared from Planet Paleo website.

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